Being the leading implantologists in Pune with several years of experience in placing implants even in the most complex cases, Dr. Prem Nanda and Dr. Sacheev Nanda have established the best clinic for a dental implant in Pune to provide exceptional dental services to the patients of the city. For patients with missing teeth, dental implants allow to restore and renew dental functions and health. They are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that function like normal teeth.

Dental implants can change the way people live their lives as they can rediscover their confidence to laugh, eat, speak, and enjoy life. Our dentists for dental implants in Pune have received extensive training in implantology and they can rejuvenate your smile in the best possible way. For years delayed loading implants were the sole option for people with missing or damaged teeth. Traditionally implants were placed and left to heal for months before loading a crown, bridge or denture. However, nowadays single piece and immediate loading dental implants are quite popular. Immediate loading dental implants can also be placed immediately after tooth extraction. By use of this technology, it is possible to give you replacement tooth/teeth in a day! And if you are looking for GenXT Dental Implants near you then we welcome you with a warm and friendly smile to a comfortable and gentle environment of Nanda Dental Care Pune (NDCP).

NDCP has also introduced the All-On-Four technique in Pune which was developed by the Portuguese dentist Dr. Paulo Malo in collaboration with Nobel Biocare.

The biggest problem faced in conventional/ delayed loading implants was the screw loosening between the 2 main components (Implant and abutment) and bacterial lodgement, Dr. Nanda prefers to use the LEONE Implant system which uses the Morse taper technology to bind the two components together. Due to the cold welding of the two components, there is no gap, thus no bacteria and no screw loosening. NDCP has also been the first in India to introduce Intraoral welding in Implantology and also Basal Osseointegrated Implants. Many patients who otherwise wouldn’t have done implants due to factors like complexity of the procedure, pain or dental implant cost, get benefits from the Implant Demonstration/ Training courses, where implants are done at affordable prices.

implantologist dental implants treatments clinic in pune